What seems like a near-apocalyptic fantasy for some has become an outright nightmare for others. Children home from school disrupting routines for many homes, jobs fluctuating operating hours to balance new shipments, and new regulations daily sent from up the ladder have many Americans in fight or flight mode. Stop. Take a breath. It is okay to stock up the pantry with a few extra cans of veggies. I am not sure that hoarding mounds of toilet paper is the key to survival. After all, Charmin was once nonexistent. Deep breaths. Take this opportunity and blessing of time off to remember what it is like to be human. ⚠️How can you make the best of this National Emergency that is the COVID-19 Pandemic? ⚠️Read (Or Write) that Book you keep ignoring.
⚠️GO PLAY OUTSIDE, For the Love of Nature.⚠️Call Your Mom.
Don't let the national crisis have you locked up inside. It is easy to go stir-crazy and feel like times are much worse than they actually are. ![]() Above all, make time to get outside and breathe in some fresh air. The natural world all around you will bring you back to center and hopefully remind you that we don't have everything figured out and never really have. Errors happen, we are all human. Take these moments to remember what it feels like to be alive and allow yourself time beyond your normal routine to just breathe and do something that helps you relax. Life's an Adventure, Keep it Saucy!
AuthorTraveler. Writer. Mom. Archives
June 2022
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